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Announcements Education Healthcare News

Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL)

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has launched DIAL, the Disability Information and Access Line, to support the needs of people with disabilities seeking information and access to the COVID-19 vaccine in their communities.

Announcements News

VT SILC Announces Request for Proposals of Independent Living projects

The VT SILC is pleased to announce an opportunity for funding for projects that serve…

Housing News

Olmstead Webinar 3

The VT SILC is pleased to share it’s third in it’s series of webinars on…

Housing News

Olmstead Webinar 2

The VT SILC is pleased to share it’s second in it’s series of webinars on…

Housing News

Olmstead Webinar 1

The VT SILC is pleased to share it's first in it's series of webinars on…

Announcements Education

Statement of Support from SILC Education Committee

This year has required Vermont schools and early childhood service providers to go above and…
The Carless Traveler


The Carless Traveler

How interesting it is that this pandemic has, to a large degree, leveled the playing field for carless travelers!
Employing Vermonters with Disabilities


Employing Vermonters with Disabilities

If given the opportunity, many more Vermonters with disabilities could be participating in the workforce, benefitting these individuals, employers, and the state.
Accessible Emergency Preparedness Planner – PSA VIDEO


Accessible Emergency Preparedness Planner – PSA VIDEO

The Vermont Statewide Independent Living Council is offering an accessible emergency preparedness planner designed for people with disabilities and seniors at no charge to anyone


Update on MWPD Initiative

The Vermont Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is pleased and gratified to announce that the…
Include Edition 4 will focus on adding Mental Health Awareness and Cultural Competence Content


Include Edition 4 will focus on adding Mental Health Awareness and Cultural Competence Content

Include!, the SILC’s online curriculum that encourages tolerance and inclusion for students with disabilities, will…
Chronic Homelessness: how much have we moved the bar?


Chronic Homelessness: how much have we moved the bar?

The VT SILC Housing and Home Supports Committee has been exploring ways to track the…