About Our Travel & Tourism Committee
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Accessible Adventures
Peer to peer reviews on the accessible places to go, dining, shopping, and having fun!
Additional Resources on our Travel & Tourism Initiatives
State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)
State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)
SPIL 2017-2019 was recently completed and submitted by The SILC, VCIL and Voc Rehab, with…
Medicaid for Working Persons with Disabilities (M W P D) – 2016: Where We Stand
Medicaid for Working Persons with Disabilities (M W P D) – 2016: Where We Stand
The Vermont Statewide Independent Living Council (S I L C), along with the Vermont Center…
Transportation for Persons with Disabilities
Transportation for Persons with Disabilities
Transportation for persons with disabilities often requires extensive advance planning. Basically, it’s all about getting…
WIOA Brings changes for SILCs
WIOA Brings changes for SILCs
The passage and implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – specifically as…
Get in Touch
Have questions, comments, ideas on what we are all about and how we can better support our community? Please reach out to us and share your thoughts!